The UAE Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices market is anticipated to observe impressive growth during the forecast period 2023-2027. The major factors include the increasing prevalence of chronic and acute diseases such as hypertension and cardiac diseases, technological advancements, and growing awareness programs by the government. A blood pressure monitor, also termed a blood pressure gauge, is a device that measures blood pressure; made of an inflatable cuff that collapses and then releases the artery under the cuff in a controlled manner, and a mercury to measure the pressure. Blood pressure monitoring devices are crucial in the measurement and monitoring of hypertension. Nowadays, people are more prone to cardiac diseases and chronic diseases such as stroke, hypertension, artery diseases, heart attack, and others due to sedentary lifestyles and obesity. The other factor which is bolstering the market growth is a rise in the geriatric population, changing lifestyle, increasing investments in the healthcare sector, and demographic trends such as increasing life expectancy.

Increasing Incidences of Various Diseases
The increasing incidences of hypertension, several chronic diseases, and cardiovascular diseases are driving the demand for blood pressure monitoring devices over time. For instance, in 2017, the highest number of deaths in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was caused by cardiovascular diseases, at around 7.35 million deaths. Also, owing to the sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy choices of people, diseases become inevitable, which raises the growth of the market. The increase in the geriatric population is surging the growth of the UAE blood pressure monitoring devices market because as age increases, the chances of suffering from chronic diseases and heart diseases also increase. However, the younger generation is also suffering from these diseases, which elevates the growth of the market. According to the national health survey, between 2017-2018, approximately 28.8% of adults in the UAE have high blood pressure.

Growing Awareness Programs by Government
A severe case of cardiovascular disease, specifically hypertension, can often lead to life-threatening diseases, which can eventually result in an untimely death. Therefore, initiatives are taken by the government to make people aware of the risks associated with these diseases, which contributes to the growth of the blood pressure monitoring device market. For instance, in 2020, The Ministry of Health & Prevention started an initiative program, “Salamat,” to spread awareness regarding hypertension and its risks. In addition, 257 health-tech start-ups are funded by the UAE government. Also, another initiative taken by the Uthe AE government named “Measure your blood pressure, control it, live longer” is observed every year to raise awareness and promote hypertension prevention, detection, and control.

Technological Advancements
Rapid advancements are made in blood pressure monitoring devices such as home-based blood pressure monitors, mobile-based BP monitoring systems, digital sphygmomanometers, and portable multiparameter monitoring devices. For instance, some of the latest technologies include devices that use sensors and computerized mathematical modeling for documenting the pulse. These products are easier, more comfortable, and fast to use when compared to traditional apparatus. Other latest technologies contain devices that use Bluetooth and finger blood pressure monitors. Therefore, these technological advancements are expected to propel the growth of the market in foreseen years.

Market Segmentation
The UAE Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices market is segmented into product, technology, end-user, and company. Based on product, the market is divided into digital blood pressure monitors, sphygmomanometers, transducers, and others. Based on technology, the market is divided into digital, android, and wearable. Based on end-user, the market is divided into hospitals & clinics, ambulatory surgery centers, home care, and others. In terms of region, the market is segmented into Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, and Rest of UAE.

Market Players
Riomed Medical Supplies LLC, B Braun Medical Gulf FZ-LLC, GE Healthcare UAE, Omron Healthcare UAE, Masimo Corporation UAE, Philips Healthcare UAE, and Nihon Kohden Middle East FZE are some of the leading companies operating in the market.

Report Scope:
In this report, UAE Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends, which have also been detailed below:
• UAE Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices Market, By Product:
  –Digital Blood Pressure Monitor
• UAE Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices Market, By Technology:
• UAE Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices Market, By End User:
  –Hospitals & Clinics
  –Ambulatory Care Centers
  –Home Care
• UAE Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices Market, By Region:
  –Abu Dhabi
  –Rest of UAE

Competitive Landscape
Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices market

Available Customizations:
The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information
• Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).