Gallium nitride (GaN) is a binary III-V direct bandgap semiconductor commonly used in LEDs. Its wide-band gap of 3.4 eV affords its special properties for applications in optoelectronic, high-power, and high-frequency devices. GaN semiconductor devices, which are 100 times quicker than silicon, now have a chance thanks to the decrease in silicon’s capacity for innovation. GaN devices provide several benefits over silicon ones, including greater energy efficiency, reduced prices, and quicker device speeds. The market is also anticipated to be driven by the rising shipments of robots over the world. GaN is utilised for servo drives in robotics and motion control.
Growth opportunities in India:
The race for faster and more reliable communication networks is on with 5G technology, and advanced materials that can support this cutting-edge network are in high demand. Gallium Nitrite semiconductors are revolutionizing the communication industry by bringing a new level of efficiency and reliability to 5G technology.
In addition to improving the performance of 5G base stations, GaN is also being used to develop other key components of 5G networks, including high-power amplifiers, high-frequency power supplies, and voltage regulators. These components are essential for providing the high-speed and reliable connectivity that is so crucial for 5G networks.
Impact of COVID-19:
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the sales of electronic products were reduced, and supply chains were disrupted. Moreover, many economies suffered from a significant revenue loss as manufacturing units were shut down due to lockdowns. The overall situation adversely affected the demand for Gallium Nitride (GaN) semiconductor devices in FY 2020 and FY 2021 in the country.
The biggest impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was on the demand for GaN semiconductor material, as all the major automotive OEMs had to halt their production temporarily. Demand was further impacted due to trade restrictions levied on inter-country imports and exports of GaN. On the supply side, the COVID-19 crisis had minimal impact on the production of GaN wafers, due to automation at production facilities and minimal workforce requirements. Manufacturers of GaN wafers have been facing the challenge of supply chain disruption.
To overcome this supply chain conundrum and ensure that cash flows can be maintained for the business, key GaN wafer manufacturers in the market strategically focused on local customers as well as alternative end-use segments.