This research study is an outcome of extensive research on digitization and automation of warehousing industry across the globe. The report exhaustively talks about the leading warehouse automation projects conducted in the last decade to evaluate the trend within warehousing industry for greenfield and brownfield automation; semi-automated and fully automated; technologies defining the automation, mobile and collaborative robots for material handling.

This report helps the reader with the following core industry trends –

1. Future trends in automation of warehouses and logistics industry
2. Trends in brownfield and greenfield automation
3. Industry acceptance for semi-automated to fully automated warehouses
4. Trends towards adopting mobile and collaborative robots operated in warehousing space such as automated mobile robots (AMR) and automated guided vehicles (AGV) for material handling
5. Market forecast of warehouse automation including mobile robots, autonomous solutions and site management services, sensing technologies including camera, radar, and LiDAR sensors
6. Analysis of leading players across the supply chain of warehouse automation industry including players such as autonomous mobile robot’s manufacturers, automation companies (including hardware, software, and both), automation service providers and integrator
7. Analysis of industry trends by evaluating the recent investment and funding announced for future automation projects, important M&As, and key partnerships redefining automation in warehousing industry

The number of warehouses is increasing rapidly worldwide with the increasing penetration of e-commerce. Along with this, the capacity and the size of the warehouses is also increasing at a greater extent. Owing to this the warehouses are increasingly focusing on using automation solutions for greater material handling capacity and reduced time-to-handle. More than 80 percent of the warehouses today have no automation of whatsoever. However, since last decade ~15 percent of the warehouses are being mechanized, while only 5 percent are using sophisticated automation equipment and solutions. This brings immense market opportunities for the companies in the warehousing automation ecosystem.

Warehouse automation market in 2019 was estimated at $15 billion up by 10.9 percent from the previous year. In 2020, the total warehouse automation market has experienced decline of 6 percent. However, this year (2021) is estimated to witness growth by almost 38.4 percent to reach $19.5 billion. According to M14 INTELLIGENCE estimates, the market is expected to grow by 1.5x in the mid-term (by 2025) and further expected to cross $XX billion by 2030. The calculated compound annual growth between 2021 and 2030 is estimated to be around 10 percent.
This report focuses on the two major mobile robots used in the warehouses - automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and automated mobile robots (AMRs). The mobile robot’s market was estimated at $2.5 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow to $XX billion by 2030, which approximately 10 times than the current market. The growth will be majorly driven by the AMRs. More than 55,000 AMRs were sold in 2020 for warehouses and logistics application, which has tripled as compared to the sales in 2018. By 2025 the sales are expected to cross XX units and XX units by 2030.

Recent and upcoming investments in warehouse automation
Over the last two decades industry has witnessed increasing new entrants in the field of autonomous robots and autonomous solution providers along with new autonomous component manufacturers. The exhibit below illustrates the different type of capital investments including the mergers and acquisitions, venture funding, private investments, and IPOs in the warehouse automation industry.

Key Takeaways-

  • 350 pages of analysis of the complete warehouse automation industry with special focus on autonomous equipments, automated technologies and sensors, and automation solutions and services
  • 250+ companies across the warehouse automation industry including automation integrators, sensor companies, and automation hardware and software players is included in the study
  • Sensing technologies of LiDAR, camera, and radar is covered exhaustively along with market forecast both by value and volume is covered in this study
  • Market share analysis of leading automation integrators, equipment manufacturers (hardware and software both) and sensing companies is covered in this study
  • This is report also analyses the industry dynamics by evaluating the investments, funding, and inorganic growth strategies adopted by the players in the ecosystem