Global Weight Loss and Weight Management Diet Market is valued at approximately USD 192 billion in 2019 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 10.5% over the forecast period 2020-2027. In recent years, the weight loss and weight management diet has become a major concern among people. Weight loss and weight management diet typically helps to reduce or avoid unwanted weight gain. Low-sodium and low-calorie food & beverages, widely known as better-for-you (BFY) products, as they are extensively used by consumers to reduce the overall intake of calories. Some of the major low calories food products are brown rice, sweet potato, oatmeal, cream of hot rice cereal, whole-wheat pasta, and other healthy food products, which have gained immense popularity among consumers. Meal replacements, which include protein shakes and protein bars, are used as an alternative for regular meals to burn body fats and reduce weight. Therefore, these factors are anticipated to accelerate market growth around the world. Moreover, the increasing prevalence of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, along with the growing obese population around the world are a few other factors responsible for the market growth over the forecast period. For instance, the WHO data in 2016 specified that over 650 million world population was recorded to be obsessed. Also, as per the report of World Obesity Federation 2017 revealed that more than 2.7 billion global population would suffered with obesity by the year 2025. This, in turn, is expected to accelerate the demand for the global Weight Loss and Weight Management Diet market around the world. Recently, the COVID-19 is widely spread throughout the world, thus various regional governments are putting temporary restrictions on the fitness centers and gyms to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus. This is likely to accelerate the usage of weight loss and weight management diet thereby, the market would significantly grow in the forthcoming year. However, the high cost of low-calorie diets and deceptive marketing practices are the major factors impeding the market growth over the forecast period of 2020-2027.

The regional analysis of the global Weight Loss and Weight Management Diet market is considered for the key regions such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America, and Rest of the World. North America is the leading/significant region across the world in terms of market share owing to the rising incidence of obesity and chronic diseases, along with growing awareness among people towards health and nutritious lifestyles in the region. Whereas Asia-Pacific is anticipated to exhibit the highest growth rate / CAGR over the forecast period 2020-2027. Factors such as the increasing number of fitness centers and gyms, increase obese population, and escalating disposable income of individuals would create lucrative growth prospects for the Weight Loss and Weight Management Diet market across the Asia-Pacific region.

Major market player included in this report are:
Cargill Incorporated
Kellogg Company
General Mills Incorporation
Nutrisystem, Inc.
Abbott Laboratories Inc.
Weight Watchers, Inc.
Kraft Foods, Inc.
Ingredion, Inc.
Medifast, Inc.

The objective of the study is to define market sizes of different segments & countries in recent years and to forecast the values to the coming eight years. The report is designed to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the industry within each of the regions and countries involved in the study. Furthermore, the report also caters the detailed information about the crucial aspects such as driving factors & challenges which will define the future growth of the market. Additionally, the report shall also incorporate available opportunities in micro markets for stakeholders to invest along with the detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product offerings of key players. The detailed segments and sub-segment of the market are explained below:

By Product Type:
Meal Replacement
Weight Loss Supplement
Green Tea
Low-calorie Sweetener

By Sales Channel:
Specialty Stores
Online Channels

By Region:
North America

Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Rest of the World

Furthermore, years considered for the study are as follows:

Historical year – 2017, 2018
Base year – 2019
Forecast period – 2020 to 2027

Target Audience of the Global Weight Loss and Weight Management Diet Market in Market Study:

Key Consulting Companies & Advisors
Large, medium-sized, and small enterprises
Venture capitalists
Value-Added Resellers (VARs)
Third-party knowledge providers
Investment bankers