Key Findings
The European essential oils market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 8.21% during the forecast period. The introduction of new amendments, the presence of food and beverage industries, rising disposable incomes, high standards of living, preference of chemical-free cosmetics, are the factors contributing substantially to the growth of European essential oils market.

Market Insights
The European essential oils market is assessed on the basis of various countries, namely Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, and the Rest of Europe. The European Federation of Essential Oils (EFEO) has benefitted the European essential oils market, as it protects the interests of various stakeholders. The restricted access to raw materials poses a serious threat to various emerging players of the market. The strict federal regulations with regards to farming and cultivation have affected the supply of crops for essential oils production. However, rising consumer awareness regarding health and hygiene, and the environment, have positively influenced the European essential oils market.

Competitive Insights
Some of the major companies in the market are Young Living Essential Oils, The Lebermuth Company, Falcon Essential Oils, Flavex Naturextrakte GmbH, Rocky Mountain Essential Oils, and others.