Unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) market to be worth $651.5m in 2012

Tuesday 4 September 2012, Amsterdam

Unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) market to be worth $651.5m in 2012

This reports analysis indicates that the Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) market is set to be worth $651.5m in 2012, as the drawdown of counter-insurgency operations begins to effect spending on unmanned systems.

The author of the Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) report comments that: ‘The UGV market holds potential for far-reaching change over the next decade and in the long term. Advances in technology are generating immense opportunities for the application of this technology by global defence, law enforcement and homeland security services.’

This report contains 123 tables, charts and graphs that utilise visual representation in order to clarify trends and market projections within the Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) market. It provides a range of forecasts for the period 2012-2022, as well as for 4 submarkets (Explosive Ordnance Disposal/Counter-Improvised Explosive Device; Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition; Logistics and Support; and Armed Combat) of the Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) market. The report also provides profiles of 37 leading companies operating within the market, including 4 interviews with senior figures in the principal Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) companies.

This report will be of impressive value to current, and future, investors into the UGV industry, as well as to companies and research centres who wish to broaden their knowledge of the UGV market.

The Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) Market 2012-2022

The Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) Market 2012-2022

Publish date : August 2012
Report code : ASDR-4931
Pages : 225

ASDReports.com contact: S. Koomen

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