New Roles for UGV Platforms

Tuesday 29 October 2019, Amsterdam

New Roles for UGV Platforms
The US Army had a steep ambition of replacing one-third of its forces by unmanned or remote-controlled systems by 2015. Unfortunately, this goal could not be met due to multiple reasons. The high adoption of UGVs in the defense sector indicates the focus efforts by the Defense Departments to reduce combat causalities. The UGVs have a played an important role in the Iraq and Afghanistan missions. The UGVs used in these missions were predominantly to neutralize the road side IED attacks. It is reported that three out of five deaths in Iraq and around 25% in Afghanistan. On an average a fatal IED would result in the death of 1- 2 personnel. The three-month period between April and June witnessed around 1,143 IED incidents in Afghanistan. A total of 539 soldiers have been killed and around 4,800 have been wounded in action due to IED related attacks, during the period 2001-2010.

Bomb Defusal has been the traditional role for the UGV, however the modern UGVs are focused towards reducing the fatigue of the soldier. There are various mobility solutions being considered in this regard, including the four-legged UGV. The other potential roles are surveillance and combat support roles, which would include help in creation of communication nodes for forwarded bases or dismounted soldiers. UGV platforms are also being considered for autonomous logistics role, which would be capable of carrying supplies and evacuation for medical assistance.
The low risk of failure has acted as a key driver for the higher adoption of UGVs in the commercial sector. The commercial UGVs are characterized by the movement within a closed environment and it is usually point to point within a confined space. This has helped companies in the manufacturing, logistics and warehouse providers to shift some of their routine task to UGVs. These tasks could include movement of good from one point to another in  warehouse or conducting maintenance activity within a confined space.
The report titled “Global Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) Market and Technology Forecast to 2027” covers the trends across UGV roles like the Surveillance, Logistics, Bomb Defusal, Attack and Others. The key trend across the roles have been higher adoption of AI and Machine Learning Technology, which is aimed at giving high autonomous capability to the UGV. The attack UGV segment is governed by the requirement, to fire only after authorized by human interference, though there are various efforts to allow complete autonomy for attack UGVs, it is not expected to change within the study period of this report.
The other predominant trend is the interoperability across platforms, there are across both manned and unmanned platforms and between unmanned ground and aerial platforms. A recent experiment reported the enhanced capability of (BLOS) beyond line of sight and terrain scaling capability with the use of a UGV ad UAV combination. It is expected that such miniature units would be common in future combat environment.
The report “Global Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) Market and Technology Forecast to 2027” is segmented by region, role and end users, the further segmentation in the market forecast chapter includes by weight, mobility and propulsion. The role of the UGV has been classified as surveillance, logistics, attack, bomb defusal and others. The end user segment has been classified as Defense, Homeland Security and Commercial Segment. The UGV segment has been classified as small, medium and large based on weight. The mobility segment consist of wheeled, tracked and other, wherein other include hybrids like legged UGV platforms. The propulsion segment is classified as diesel- electric, battery- electric and others.
The Global UGV market is estimated at around USD 3.17 Billion in 2019 and is expected to grow to USD 8.3 Billion in 2027. The cumulative market is expected to reach USD 51.4 Billion at a CAGR of around 11.20%. The fastest growing market is expected to be APAC and is expected to account to around one- fourth of the Global cumulative market.
The report “Global Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) Market and Technology Forecast to 2027” is segmented based on Role, Region and End User The sub segmentation include by propulsion, by weight and by mobility. The forecast period of the report is 2019- 2027 and the study period is 2019- 2027.

Reasons to Buy
  • The UGV market report covers the key trends across the Defense and the Commercial sectors. This could be helpful for new and existing players across these segments.
  • The level of autonomy of the UGVs are covered in detailed, this would give clarity to the UGV designers on the end user expectation of next generation UGVs.
  • The upcoming technologies in this segment are covered in the technology chapter, this would be helpful to the supplier of this market to prepare themselves for future innovations.
  • The report would also be useful to the sub system providers in the UGV market like the battery and sensor providers. The report would help them understand the overall market potential.
  • The top management of the UGV manufacturers could use the report to strategize their medium- and long-term strategies.
  • The investment bankers could use this report to identify hot opportunities in the UGV market, this would help them maximize their returns.
  • The report could also be used for academic purpose as a foundation for future segmental focused research.
  • The suppliers across all tiers in the UGV market could use this report to understand the changing dynamics in this market and plan the future investments in relevant areas.
Global Unmanned Ground Vehicles Market and Technology Forecast to 2027

Global Unmanned Ground Vehicles Market and Technology Forecast to 2027

Publish date : October 2019
Report code : ASDR-492653
Pages : 212 contact: S. Koomen / ASDMedia BV - Veemkade 356 - 1019HD Amsterdam - The Netherlands
P : +31(0)20 486 1286 - F : +31(0)20 486 0216

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